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Become a member of TEACH? WHY? 


There are so many charities around the globe to choose from and so many wonderful associations to get involved with. TEACH might appeal to you in particular if you are interested in small tribal projects and especially education. It is not just about teaching and learning, but rather about experiencing the development of a school and a whole community and seeing how education over a period of time brings about change, not only for our partner school in Africa, but also for our students and teachers in Switzerland. TEACH enables children in our own schools to learn from others, develop a sense of community and empathy, and to take the lead on projects. Our children thus learn the value of sharing, develop vision and leadership skills and better understand community development.


Please fill out the form below to become an active or passive member and receive information about TEACH.

You will receive newsletters, annual reports, etc. by email. We look forward to bringing the positive work of TEACH to you in a more personal and enjoyable way at events as well!

  • Individual active membership 100 CHF (right to vote)

  • Family Membership 150 CHF (2 adults with children. Both adults have active right to vote)

  • Junior and alumni membership 50 CHF (up to 18 years of age -passive membership)

  • School membership (fee depending on the number of students), with voting rights and access to the school's project portal and curriculum. Contact us

  • Donors/companies for passive membership. Please enter chosen sum. Donors or company names may appear on the website if wished for (min. 300 CHF).  Contact us.

If you wish to accumulate memberships (i.e. active as well as a donor and/or company), please fill in the membership form twice and select each time the chosen membership. Please also make the payment separately, this will help us in our volunteer administrational tasks!

If you wish to be added to our mailing list and receive our Newsletter, please click here.

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