Just before Kai left Namibia, he wrote this last blog (see below). He has now returned and has enrolled in further studies. Despite missing Namibia he is also happy to be back for a new challenge and has expressed his sincerest thanks to TEACH for not only supporting him over the last year but having, through him, supported the Okonjima school in Namibia by providing them with an additional qualified teacher. The children will forever be in Kai's heart and clearly they have also greatly benefited from Kai's teaching.
A special visit and our latest donations
Dear everybody,
In the month of May, my very good friend, who I used to work with for many years at Tandem IMS, Michaela Suter, came to visit.
And with her she brought a BIG suitcase packed with many new toys, art materials and books.
The kids were so excited to meat “Teacher” Michaela and we spent a great week together with lots of play, laughter and fun!
Unpacking all the new gifts was a special treat for the young minds of the POCS Kindergarten. Here is a short information, of how we’ve been using the new materials provided by Tandem IMS:
· The children have been struggling with the use of books in the past. They would rip them, step on them and in general create a big mess. With the new books provided by Tandem, we also established the new rule that we will offer as many books as there are children. Also they then had to sit on their chair by the table and look at the books there. This has been working really well.
· Thanks to the received letter centre, we are able to better teach the children how to write or in this case lay out their names. The children loved this activity.
· The art materials we received, have been the most important! As mentioned in previous blogs, getting art supplies in Namibia is firstly very difficult, as towns that provide them are usually far away, and secondly because they are very expensive. The children LOVE their new glue sticks and coloured paper and have so far created beautiful art work. Art is such an important part of young children, as it helps them to express themselves and to build imagination.
We are very grateful for all the support and send Michaela and Tandem IMS a BIG thank you!!!
I am now heading towards the end of this incredibly beautiful journey. Therefore this is also the last blog that I will write.
I am slowly looking forward to coming home, however my heart is also very sad to let go of all these beautiful children, which I’ve built such an amazing relationship with.