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POCS Sports day

Dear everybody

Now that our first term of school is already about to end, we had our annual Sports day and it was a total SUCSESS!

This year we made it special for the children, by getting the entire school together for some awesome games. We divided the children into 6 mixed age groups from the age of 3 to 10. We held a little tournament, playing games like 3-legged race, bag hopping, egg-run and many more. The kids had sooo much fun.

Furthermore we invited the parents to come and cheer their children on.

The highlight of this sports day however was this: We invited another school from a neighbourhood farm called Mount Etjio. They joined in on this amazing event and it was absolutely great for the children to meet other children from another school.

We will soon close the school for our winter holiday. The children have done so well this first term and so they are more than ready for a well deserved rest.

As for me, this will be the first time to travel the country and discovering more of Namibia.

I will keep you all posted





Tandem Education in Africa

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CH-8002 Zürich


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