Last October, just before Sonya went off with her family to Kenya, she called for possible donations of school materials and clothes. Many parents in all three Tandem IMS schools as well as teachers, friends and members of TEACH brought a fantastic amount of useful donations to take to Kenya. Thank you to all!! We also thank Swiss airlines for their kind support in allowing us excess baggage too. Please see here the gallery of photos of both communities receiving the clothes. Also the teachers were thrilled to receive educational materials especially all the pens and paper, exercise books, games etc. A lovely long discussion took place with the teachers under a tree with a cup of delicious Kenya tea! All ideas for an exchange with the school were discussed. They had many ideas, wishes and needs to share, yet they also have so much to offer us in terms of community learning. It is clearly a two way exchange and several of our teachers look forward to this opportunity to meet these wonderful and inspiring people. The children were more than happy too that day as their break time during the discussion was extended!
We also met the parent teacher association of the school, the chairman, the pastor, the school head and many more wonderful people committed to this project. The children also treated us to a traditional dance in their best clothes! The days spent in this village have been life changing for our family and we certainly miss our Kenyan family and the host families that welcomed us into their huts and shared the little space they had to sleep and the little food they had to eat, yet they most of all shared their vision and passion with us and this is still in our hearts.