The kick off into the New Year has been amazing!!! The kindergarten has become a super strong team and I have been enjoying work more than ever.
The first months of the new term we have been working on a lot of different topics which were based on the children themselves, their environment and their homes. Furthermore we’ve been working on strengthening the children’s confidence and independence by implementing more of the ideas from the Montessori concept. Meaning we have been playing a lot of games that involve teamwork, listening and rules.
The kids absolutely enjoy school and they are still busy with brushing their teeth every day, going on walks with the stripies and using art supplies from your donations.
To give you all an update on the rest of the donation money, we are currently working on a plan for the playground. This talk has been in the room for quite some time now, so hopefully it will all work out. I will keep you all updated on that.
I am heading into my last few months now and as sad as I am to end this chapter of my life, I am also looking forward to coming home where new adventures await me